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What on earth is a HEURISTIC 

and what does it mean?

A  heuristic is any device  or procedure  used  to reduce 

problem solving efforts. Put very simply, it is a rule of thumb used to solve a particular problem. For example, a press release written on behalf of an organization should always answer the 5Ws:  Who, What, When, Where and Why.  A marketing plan prepared for any company would always include the 7Ps: Product, Price, Promotion, Place, Physical Evidence, People & Process. An advertising campaign would always rely on the creating of  AIDCAS:  Attention,  Interest, Desire, Confidence, Action, and Satisfaction  to influence sales, etc.


And frankly, a heuristics' approach to problem solving should always meet your needs, quickly and reliably...  it's what we do, for you.





Established in 1994, heuristics marketing consultants, LLC is a WBE/MBE certified, social enterprise with access to a highly talented and diverse group of qualified professional consultants. Our geographic market is the Chicago metropolitan area and the Midwestern Region, with some specialization in project oversight, program development and design on a national basis.



Our vision is empowered, sustainable NonProfit Enterprises, Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Institutions & Professional Associations that enrich lives and communities.. Our mission is to provide technical assistance services and professional development for clients who share the vision, are willing to invest in making it a reality, and to collaborate with those who support them.



  • Capacity Building /Training/ Technical Assistance

  • Content and Design for Marketing Communications

  • Outcome Based Evaluation

  • Professional Development

  • Program & Project Management

  • Proposal Development & Grant Writing

  • Resource Identification Information

  • Situational Analysis for Nonprofits

  • Strategy Exploration and Planning


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